When you’ve had a few too many the night before, the last thing you may feel like doing is moving from the safety of your bed. But these gentle yoga postures from Lily Silverton will help to ease those nasty hangover symptoms… A hangover is your body’s way of telling you it needs some repair work. And […]
You know the feeling, it’s that time of the month and you’re doubled over in pain, wanting nothing more than a hot water bottle and your bed. Now imagine that all the time, combined with a host of other painful symptoms including digestive complications and severe exhaustion. For the 1.5 million women in the UK […]
With the dos and don’ts of exercise and diet (my personal advice: do the former, don’t do the latter) pretty well covered, there’s been a shift in focus of late towards the final pillar in the Western world’s trinity of everyday-activities-we-need-to-relearn-for-better-wellbeing: Sleep. As adults, we appreciate of course, that sleep is good for us. We […]