Over the past few months you may have noticed a shift in the accounts of the wellness influencers you follow (or, indeed, avoid). Bikini handstands, artful açai bowl and quasi-spiritual quotes have been joined by Bill Gates, 5G, Q-Anon and Covid-19 vaccines. Welcome to the world of ‘conspirituality’, a seemingly unlikely convergence of alt-right conspiracists […]
Overcome anxiety and worry by shifting your relationship to fear and the unknown If my 23+ years of studying yoga and meditation have taught me anything, it’s that it doesn’t matter one bit what you do on the mat (or cushion). The ability to do a handstand does not make you a yogi, and the […]
In my experience, yoga can be one of the most effective self-help tools for combatting mild sleep disorders. In the morning, it’s worth trying a bit of strong yoga (something that will raise your heart rate and make you sweat). However in the evening, your best bet is a few yin/restorative postures to help you […]
When you’ve had a few too many the night before, the last thing you may feel like doing is moving from the safety of your bed. But these gentle yoga postures from Lily Silverton will help to ease those nasty hangover symptoms… A hangover is your body’s way of telling you it needs some repair work. And […]
You know the feeling, it’s that time of the month and you’re doubled over in pain, wanting nothing more than a hot water bottle and your bed. Now imagine that all the time, combined with a host of other painful symptoms including digestive complications and severe exhaustion. For the 1.5 million women in the UK […]
While meditation is not a replacement for therapy or other interventions for prolonged sadness or depression, research has shown that a regular meditation practice can help increase happiness and decrease irritability. It also shows promise for improving sleep, reducing anxiety and stress, and enhancing self-awareness—all of which are potential mood boosters. How can meditation help with sadness? All these […]
From simple flows to core exercises, self love and a granny disco chair video (YES), below is a list of the short, simple practices that I’ve been relying on to get me moving and smiling this week. Why not forward the list to a buddy, and ask them to do a video with you? Let me know […]
If you consistently wake up feeling compassionate, enthusiastic, and ready to conquer the day, your vibrations are soaring high. On the other hand, if you’re feeling bored, stuck, and generally blasé, then chances are your vibrations are low and it’s time to check out these 15 easy ways to raise them back up. 1. Meditate. […]