Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress… It generally occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet demands in your life. How is it different from Stress?...
With the dos and don’ts of exercise and diet (my personal advice: do the former, don’t do the latter) pretty well covered, there’s been a shift in focus of late towards the final pillar in the Western world’s trinity of everyday-activities-we-need-to-relearn-for-better-wellbeing: Sleep. As adults, we appreciate of course, that sleep is good for us. We […]
We’re one year shy of celebrating the centennial anniversary of voting rights for women in the UK. In the past 99 years, significant steps have been taken to bring men and women towards a state of greater equality. But despite all the steps forward, there have also been a few back (hello, Trump), and we […]